Virtual Classes
Virtual Jump & strength
Join Innovative Fit in the safety and comfort of your own home. In the near future, we plan to offer premium classes for Elite Hops Jump Fit and Bootcamp Strength and conditioning. Follow along with our instructors in live classes or replay the class at your own convenience. We will provide you boots with your virtual monthly membership.
Unlimited monthly Jump Fit & Bootcamp strength classes. Boots provided if needed included with your monthly membership.
SIGN UP TODAY : We are working on updating our booking system to accommodate the new changes. If you need help setting up your virtual package, please contact Innovative Fit by calling 440-665-1699 or by submitting a form below.
Once you have contacted us, we will set up your online membership, link you to our private virtual classes, and schedule a boot fitting. You will be jumping into your fun fitness routine in no time.
Pricing: $89.99 unlimited virtual Jump Fit (Includes boots) and bonus strength training classes
(A $25.00 Boot Maintenance fee will apply)
Benefits include: increase calorie burn, increase lung capacity, increase endurance, increasing lymphatic flow in the body, increase detoxification and cleansing of the body, improve the functioning of the immune system, help reduce or rid cellulite, strengthen skeletal system and increase bone mass, increase oxygen circulation, increased energy, decrease pressure on the joints, improve general body balance and posture, reduce body fat, and increase muscle to fat ratio, increase strengthened overall body toning.
Simply provide your name and email and be the first to jump on it !